2012 m. birželio 27 d., trečiadienis
2012 m. birželio 25 d., pirmadienis
AURA DIONE "Friends" (feat. Rock Mafia)
Free, free to be myself,
Free to need some time
Free to need some help
So I'm reaching baby, out
When I'm lonely in the crowd
When the silence gets too loud
I'll be crashing on some couch
And even if I never forget you baby
Tonight I'm gonna let your memory baby
Go, always sad I know
But at least I got my friends
Share a rain coat in the wind
They got my back until the end
If I'll never fall in love again
Well at least I got my friends
Like a life boat in the dark
Saving me from the sharks
Even though I got a broken heart
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
Well at least I got my friends
I don't wanna think, I just wanna feel
I just wanna dream, yeah
So pour another round
And throw it back until it's down
Let's get lost until we're found, again and again
And even if I never forget you baby
Tonight I'm gonna let your memory baby
Go, always said I know
But at least I got my friends
Share a rain coat in the wind
(Always got my back) Got my back until the end
If I'll never fall in love again
At least I got my friends
Like a light bulb in the dark
Saving me from the sharks
Even though I got a broken heart
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
And when the world is upside down, yeah
The sky is full of clouds yeah
They always come around, it feels like home, like home
And I never have to try, I can be myself and I
Am never alone, I never feel alone
And even if I never forget you baby
Tonight I'm gonna let your memory baby
Go, always said I know
But at least I got my friends
Share a rain coat in the wind
They got my back until the end
If I'll never fall in love again
At least I got my friends
Like a light bulb in the dark
Saving me from the sharks
Even though I got a broken heart
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
Well at least I got my friends.
Free to need some time
Free to need some help
So I'm reaching baby, out
When I'm lonely in the crowd
When the silence gets too loud
I'll be crashing on some couch
And even if I never forget you baby
Tonight I'm gonna let your memory baby
Go, always sad I know
But at least I got my friends
Share a rain coat in the wind
They got my back until the end
If I'll never fall in love again
Well at least I got my friends
Like a life boat in the dark
Saving me from the sharks
Even though I got a broken heart
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
Well at least I got my friends
I don't wanna think, I just wanna feel
I just wanna dream, yeah
So pour another round
And throw it back until it's down
Let's get lost until we're found, again and again
And even if I never forget you baby
Tonight I'm gonna let your memory baby
Go, always said I know
But at least I got my friends
Share a rain coat in the wind
(Always got my back) Got my back until the end
If I'll never fall in love again
At least I got my friends
Like a light bulb in the dark
Saving me from the sharks
Even though I got a broken heart
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
And when the world is upside down, yeah
The sky is full of clouds yeah
They always come around, it feels like home, like home
And I never have to try, I can be myself and I
Am never alone, I never feel alone
And even if I never forget you baby
Tonight I'm gonna let your memory baby
Go, always said I know
But at least I got my friends
Share a rain coat in the wind
They got my back until the end
If I'll never fall in love again
At least I got my friends
Like a light bulb in the dark
Saving me from the sharks
Even though I got a broken heart
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends
Well at least I got my friends.
2012 m. birželio 22 d., penktadienis
Kartą vienas Mokytojas paklausė savo mokinių:
- Kodėl žmonės šaukia, kai susipyksta?
- Todėl, kad jie praranda ramybę, – atsakė vienas.
- Bet kam šaukti, jei kitas žmogus yra šalia? – paklausė Mokytojas - Ar
negalima su juo kalbėtis tyliai? Kam būtinai šaukti, kai esi piktas?
Mokiniai siūlė įvairius atsakymus, bet nei vienam Mokytojas nepritarė.
Galiausiai jis paaiškino:
- Kai žmonės nepatenkinti vienas kitu ir pykstasi, jų širdys atitolsta.
Tam, kad įveiktų šį atstumą ir išgirstų vienas kitą, jiems tenka
šaukti. Kuo stipriau jie pyksta, tuo garsiau šaukia. O kas atsitinka,
kai žmonės įsimyli? Jie nešaukia, atvirkščiai, jie kalba tyliai. Tai
todėl, kad jų širdys labai arti ir atstumas tarp jų visai mažas. O kai
jie dar labiau myli, kas nutinka? – Tęsė Mokytojas – Nekalba, o tik
šnabždasi ir tampa vis artimesni savo Meilėje. Galiausiai net šnabždėtis
jiems nereikia. Jie tik žiūri vienas į kitą ir supranta viską be
žodžių. Taip būna, kai šalia du mylintys žmonės.
Tai štai, kai
ginčijatės, neleiskite savo širdims nutolti vienai nuo kitos, netarkite
žodžių, kurie dar labiau didins atstumą tarp jūsų. Todėl, kad gali
išaušti diena, kai atstumas taps toks didžiulis, kad jūs neberasite
kelio atgal...
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